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Pictures of our Dogs ! What do you think ???

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newer one of mine.... he was a bit cold in the unit!!  :grin:

Here's my lot, first up the old boys all over 13 years old.

Few pictures before they started to slow it down.

Then picked up this little guy, as the others were getting on we thought a puppy would be a good idea.

Would of taken this one as well if I could haha

First pictures when we got him home at 11 weeks

Little bit older and snapped with the golf.

These are from august when he was 6.5 months old, need to get some more recent ones.

Some great pics there, joeya!  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Especially the action ones. Thanks for sharing  :drinking: I love dogs [and don't people who prefer cats]


--- Quote from: DaveB1970 on November 13, 2010, 03:14:15 pm ---My Boxer is getting towards age 9 now and its breaking my heart knowing that he wont be around for ever. 10-12 out of a boxer is a good shout.

PS Boxers are A1 with children, very protective - its other dogs they're not great with, all the kids pull him/ears/stump/legs/saggy skin and he never muffs - if a staffy crosses his path then he can be a handful

--- End quote ---

I realise I'm quoting an ancient post, but the first time I saw your avater it reminded me of our old family dog - he was a cracker and even three years after he passed on aged 7, I still miss him. I'd actually take him out in any weather conditions as he was a pleasure.

Me and my mrs are looking at having kids in the next year or two, as soon as she is 'at home' I'm getting a boxer pup - I also work away and I can't think of any dog that looks so nasty but is soft as sh**e with people!

My mum has a Border Collie and he is very bright. Taught himself to bring the post in - started getting biscuits as a reward - started bringing post in individually - started getting rewards individually. Not daft at all!

Anyway, here's our boxer when he was about 4.

My brother dog, Sky. She loves posing!


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