All Things Mk5 > Performance Modifications

The ultimate Dyno Graph thread

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These engines make amazing torque at very low rpm's.How much boost pressure would they be hitting at peak torque and are there anyspecial bits on the turbos to cope with it eg bb cores?

1.5bar normally. Nothing special on turbo


APR Stage 2+

Keith is taking my car next week to improve the dip at high revs  :notworthy:


--- Quote from: Tfsi_Mike on March 07, 2012, 08:05:13 pm ---

Keith is taking my car next week to improve the dip at high revs  :notworthy:

--- End quote ---

Hopefully not improve but REmove.  :happy2:

Looks like I made the wrong choice  :signLOL:
Be interesting to see results once tweaked mike :happy2:


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