been meaning to do this for a while, same things come up time and again so maybe worth a few pointers here.
may also go with a welcome email for new forums members (along with Edition 30 FAQ + other direct links?)
dunno just throwing it out there.
so lets have them and see if we cant generate a reasonable list that I or one of the mods could amend as required.
Its kind of common issues but also the common things everyone asks as well.
If it doesnt work it can languish here or be deleted in due course, depends how enthusiastic everyone is

Ill start with some notes
OE related
a) general stutter /misfire under load : coilpacks , how to diagnose , replace 1 or all 4 ?
b) general lack of performance : DV , OE (old and new ) vs Forge
c) clutch biting point / general vibration on takeup = normal
d) car noise at idle = like a bus , all vary but most are noisy (need to rule out tensioner though/ or other)
e) sqeak when car is cold = cambelt/tensioner change reqd
f) which oil to use and why
g) which turbo do I have K03 vs K04
h) wheres my DV located and how easy to change (linked from g +b above)
also link to other more established FAQ (golfmkv has list of common issues)
Mods related
a) intake noises , N75 modulation noise with ITG intake = normal
b) Twintake now got lag = boost leak
c) getting a trial map , dos and donts
over to you lot