Thanks Guys,
Feel a bit better now

Not had the car long still absolutley love it.......
I have only used Tesco99 since I bought it .
On the petrol cap cover it states 98 Ron...Is this a minimum?
Or can it be ran on normal unleaded 95 Ron?
There is a method in my madness...My company Car runs on standard unleaded ......
It's a Zafira I bought it for family reasons also kids football on weekends etc..
If I'm not visiting any sites and I'm local in the office I take the Golf and let the missus use the Zafira Happy Days.
If I need to go 2-300 mile I use the Zafira it has a fuel card only for unleaded though not super.
So I cant take the GTI unless I pay for the fuel what's the point in that.
So could I put standard in or will it harm the car