General > Shows, Events and Meets

Edition38 Sept 3,4,5th

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unfortunately i am only in northampton on the friday and i have to go back down south for a wedding so friday is the only day i can make it

big al:

--- Quote from: .:GTI|SUNNY:. on August 22, 2010, 08:14:54 pm ---im going on the sunday, its the best day to go, better cars and trophies etc

--- End quote ---

I was going to go on the Sunday, but have other plans, but if they fall through may do the Pod Saturday, and here on the Sunday.
Shame that we couldn't get a club stand/plot though.  :sad1:

Si Sweets:

--- Quote from: JPC on July 30, 2010, 06:06:03 pm ---

Nope were not allowed a stand as were not 'scene' enough!  :laugh:

--- End quote ---

Awesome. No seriously though, i like that we're not "allowed" a stand!

Hi guys anyone can have a club stand, there is no need to pre book just turn up and well give you a space!

I don't know how these rumors start but they're not true along with the cars being keyed aswell! Were going to have an incredible turn out of European metal aswell so if your up for something different to Gti international than please come and check us out.

Any further help/info you need feel free to drop me an email



I don't remember a car being keyed.

Now the car being turned onto its roof, the thefts, the assaults, the threats, the chavs, the coked & roided up hired goons.....

People's memories aren't that short and I think a lot will be staying away from what has in the past been the best show of the year. It remains to be seen if the trouble from last year comes back? I know there's no way of controlling who comes through the gates, sadly and you were kind of caught out by a load of scumbags you weren't expecting, it's always been so chilled in the past.

I hope it goes well.

i was planning to go to edition, but after the stories above im not sure i want to take the car there???

can anyone shed any  light on what really went on last year and is it worth going to before i bother to drive 4hrs to get there

thanks peeps  :happy2:


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