General > Shows, Events and Meets

Edition38 Sept 3,4,5th

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i've just come back, seen some really awesome cars, going back tomorrow morning at 7am  :laugh:


--- Quote from: .:GTI|SUNNY:. on September 04, 2010, 10:08:13 pm ---i've just come back
--- End quote ---
Where are the pics?!?!?!

Come back tomorrow without pictures and we're gonna have to ban you!



--- Quote from: stealthwolf on September 04, 2010, 11:16:28 pm ---
--- Quote from: .:GTI|SUNNY:. on September 04, 2010, 10:08:13 pm ---i've just come back
--- End quote ---
Where are the pics?!?!?!

Come back tomorrow without pictures and we're gonna have to ban you!


--- End quote ---
lol dont worry i will have loads of pictures tomorrow   :happy2:

Went today, £25Each is way too expensive, but what a good show, not seen so many nice cars in one place before.
The guy doing the comentary was funny as well.
Enjoyed it and the weather was good. :happy2:

big al:
Lot of people over the Ed38 forum slating it, mostly the people who are camping, getting their tents robbed, and one guy who's girlfriend had a bottle thrown in her face at the rave tent. Not a good atmosphere by the sounds of some of them.
Though sure there will be some nice motors there.


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