Friend of our's got clamped the other week (along with all the other cars parked)for parking on some land they had always used for years & the removal fee ...............120.00 quid!!!!!robbing barstewardss. One of those ''private'' companys had taken over & ''yes'' there were signs but as usual not easily spoted.
Everyone went mad & police turned up but there was nothing they could do.
Get an angle grinder and cut it off, they'll soon remove it once you get that out. Im pretty sure your well within your rights to do so aswell and the look on their faces would be a picture.
Plus it would probably have been cheaper to go and hire one than pay the fine 
Just watch the wheels 
Er, no. You can't angle grind the lock or clamp off without being open to a charge of criminal damage. Nor can you cut off the padlock, then leave a brand new lock & key without opening up the same possibility.
If it were me, however, I'd cut the lock off, and tell them if they don't like it they can *%&%£$%^* sue me