General > Detailing

JPC's Detailed Ride! ;)

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Mate that's an outstanding detail! Love the way you can see the metallic flakes. Hope my car looks somewhere close to that after I've had a stab at it this weekend (weather-pending of course!).

Never machine polished my car but I have a roll of that blue tape. Where do I use it? I know its supposed to go over things like window strips and bump strips and handles but where else? How comes you didn't put any at the top of the windscreen?

Did you use spot pads to machine-polish the smaller areas?

which machine are you using this weekend? Use the tape on protruding points on the car. And cover up any plastic or rubber bits that the pad might touch. I didn't put and tape on the top of the windscreen because i wasn't too fussed about the pad touching the glass

G220 with the group buy from elite car care. Came with Megs finishing/polishing/cutting pads and some menz polishes.

The car looks amazing Jay!

Your right about DBP as mine has a mix of red and some green/blue! It is a wicked colour (when it's clean  :laugh:)  :happy2:

The unit looks wicked! Your a lucky boy to have all that space!  :smiley:

looks ace mate you are so doing mine  8)


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