General > Detailing

JPC's Detailed Ride! ;)

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Fantastic work Jay, my car will be sat in that unit having the finest treatment very soon  :wink:


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on January 28, 2009, 08:15:20 pm ---G220 with the group buy from elite car care. Came with Megs finishing/polishing/cutting pads and some menz polishes.

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just be carefull with any rubber or plastic bits. you wont do much damage if you touch them, its just a bitch to get polish of them.

easy does it and you will be ok


--- Quote from: Greenouse on January 28, 2009, 09:30:41 pm ---The car looks amazing Jay!

Your right about DBP as mine has a mix of red and some green/blue! It is a wicked colour (when it's clean  :laugh:)  :happy2:

The unit looks wicked! Your a lucky boy to have all that space!  :smiley:

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its a great colour aint it! and yep, the unit is a good thing to have, ive got a very good deal with it so im happy! :)


--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on January 28, 2009, 10:47:04 pm ---looks ace mate you are so doing mine  8)

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let me know mate


--- Quote from: T88OMM on January 28, 2009, 10:49:37 pm ---Fantastic work Jay, my car will be sat in that unit having the finest treatment very soon  :wink:

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you wish!


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