General > Detailing

JPC's Detailed Ride! ;)

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is that your red a3 in the background tom?  :smiley:

It is indeed Joe  :wink:

looks fantastic mate i love the front plate as well.


--- Quote from: JPC on January 29, 2009, 09:25:02 am ---just be carefull with any rubber or plastic bits. you wont do much damage if you touch them, its just a bitch to get polish of them.

easy does it and you will be ok

--- End quote ---

Yeah I'm aware of the need to tape up rubber and plastic but was concerned about edges.

Did you use smaller pads for the trickier areas like A-pillars, spoiler, boot lip etc?

well....if your not using rock hard cutting pads, you should be ok, just obviously be careful.

and for the more intricate areas, yes i used a spot pad. 4inch i think ;) good luck.


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