General > Detailing

JPC's Detailed Ride! ;)

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thanks guys, it does look good right?

--- Quote from: 182_blue on January 28, 2009, 04:30:11 pm ---Very nice mate, looks  8)

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thanks shaun.

--- Quote from: Top Cat on January 28, 2009, 04:40:33 pm ---About time you started showing us what you can do.  :happy2:
That looks amazing Jay loving the blue flake.  8)

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i know ye, its about time. only just got water in the unit. And, i didnt want to seal over fresh paint. its had 6-8 weeks now! ;)

--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on January 28, 2009, 04:44:52 pm ---Looks mint bud!

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thanks mate

--- Quote from: joesgti on January 28, 2009, 04:51:31 pm ---LOOKING  8)

what colour is it? looks black but in some pics it looks very very dark blue.

also what you do with your unit? 

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Its the same colour as your mate, just its the detail bringing out the colour in the flake.

i do believe there is a few different combinations of DBP. the difference is in the flake. in the shadows you wouldnt notice tho. a lot of the Black ED30s looks as if the flake is red.

and the unit is for detailing really. and ive got a container in there storing archives from work etc.

top work, v.nice   :happy2:

u wanna do mine :smiley:

will do matey! gimme a call when you want it doing

Phil Mcavity:
great effort JPC,  good spec aswell and nicely done with the R32 alloys  :happy2:


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