Well I finally got a call back from the bus company who said that they had a bus with some paint missing and a few bits of Silver on it. Yes that will be the back of my car cheers! :)
That is good news as they gave me their insurance details and somebody to ring at their head office.
So been out to a body shop I have used in the past and got a quote of around £500 for the damage. Then nipped over to VW in Crewe to see if they would do me a quote. Can't help getting one from the dealer themselves. On the way I saw three R32's all looking lovely then there is a shiny Blue one 08 on the forecourt! (stop just making me jealous) Just not fair.

And then the lady at the VW repair center tells me I can use their accident service which will give me a hire car and they always try and get a higher spec so for me a R32...are people trying to tell me something today or what?

Anyway their quote was around £900!
Not sure which one to fax over now, a week's worth of R32 fun as a hire care or hopefully not bother with insurance companies and get it done quick smart. Will have to think about it over the weekend.