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Car to face

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--- Quote from: Saint Steve on August 19, 2010, 03:45:54 pm ---Good to see she's not divorced you yet since getting the eddy  :laugh:


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LOL!! I havent finished p*ssing her off with it yet  :laugh:

f*ckin hell r.robin youve got some size of knackers on you!!! Think you need to get little miss geneve to get her freak on more often!!! Or get a bigger size of washed out denim jean.  :P

vRS Carl:

--- Quote from: s3dubbin on August 19, 2010, 08:41:40 pm ---f*ckin hell r.robin youve got some size of knackers on you!!! Think you need to get little miss geneve to get her freak on more often!!! Or get a bigger size of washed out denim jean.  :P

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Why are you looking at his crotch  :confused: :confused:


--- Quote from: s3dubbin on August 19, 2010, 08:41:40 pm ---f*ckin hell r.robin youve got some size of knackers on you!!! Think you need to get little miss geneve to get her freak on more often!!! Or get a bigger size of washed out denim jean.  :P

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 :signLOL: Potato :booty: :congrats:


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