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RR's Wildlife Portfolio....

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As someone who only cleans his car when it gets particularly dirty, I only strim the grass in my garden occasionally, only cut my hair about twice a year, and generally much prefer low maintenance although my GTI gets serviced etc every 10k miles. Consequently, my garden may be described as rustic and a haven for wildlife. I live near a small river with many trees. I used to lug around a professional camera kit - Nikon and then Canon - but nowadays a compact digital Fuji Finepix EXR does the job. Obviously it has a number of limitations and I accept the compromise.

So, technically the following pics won't be the most pin-sharp or professional quality but I think the images are worth sharing.

^ Red Admiral. Apparently quite rare but I've always had one or two in my garden. I have a whole bunch of nettles growing and they like them. This shot was taken literally at arm's length as the beauty was in a tree. That's a bench seat in soft focus below.

^ Two Giant Pond Snails about to enjoy coitus for a couple of hours. Yes, that white 'tongue' is actually a penis. A Magpie has since smashed up one of these two - I saw it happen.

^ The resulting snail eggs under a dying lily leaf.

^ Dying water lily leaves in the small pond I built. Nature's paintings.

^ Unidentified larvae - Probably Mosquito or Gnat.

^ Hover Fly (Helophilus pendulus) on water lily leaf. A regular visitor who is quite tame and allows me to get close.

^ The birth of a Sunflower. Again a very low maintenance plant.

^ Another Sunflower head starting.

^ Mayfly (Drake Mackerel) - Elegance!

^ A young Hedgehog on a mission. I came across him one morning - He didn't hang around!

^ Another type of Hoverfly (Eupeodes luniger), a migrant species from Europe, on an unknown-to-me plant. The only things I've planted have been Sunflowers and a couple of trees.

More pics to follow in due course. Hoping you enjoy  :happy2:

Top Cat:
Excellent robin.  :notworthy:

And great quality pics when viewed on the imac.  :happy2:

Lovely shots RR!  :congrats:

I may have to XXX rate the snail shot, and as for your 'tame' hoverfly!!  :signLOL: :grin: Classic!  :happy2:

THX guys  :drinking:

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing with those snails. A friend with a large pond (well actually more than one pond) had given them to me only hours earlier and I was watching to see how they'd settle in. They were connected for about two hours!! I think they're bi-sexual. The snails help clean up the pond - I'm not going to have any fish (too much maintenance!).

A friend said I should have made a snail porn video with some of my music as soundtrack and put it on YouTube :laugh:.


is that the F200exr camera?

Some awesome shots.


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