General > Photography Section

RR's Wildlife Portfolio....

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Saint Steve:
Great Photo's Robin, and as wild as your Back garden is, its good you managed to find your way back to your front door mate going by what i saw when down at yours :signLOL: :signLOL:

Its amazing what exsists in your own garden with some investigation :happy2:

Great pics Robin. You must have a lot of patience to get those shots :happy2:

Some great pics there Robin. You've certainly got the knack to capture the "moment"!

I really enjoyed those, you must have a gentle approach.

I love macro pics, here's a bee, a lilly and a tree!

Sorry, Facebook knocks the res & quality right down.

Excellent, Mike!

You've really captured the busy-ness of that bumble bee. You have an eye for composition too  :notworthy:.

If you add a line space inbetween your posted pics they'll look even better with a complete surround, rather than running into each other.


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