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RR's Wildlife Portfolio....
That's why you want a digital Leica M Robin - much smaller than a DSLR, small enough that I can carry it practically anywhere, with some of the best lenses ever designed, and all manual controls. M8s are quite reasonable these days ever since the M9 came out.
Which Leica M, Neo? There seem to be quite a few and some at £3.5k - More than I want to spend on a camera nowadays. My pro 35mm Nikons and Canons earned me enough money to pay for themselves.
Leica M8 (used) in box, £1799 + lens.
For a superb camera that's quite a good price. But I do appreciate it is big-ish money.
Hmm.. I fully appreciate a Leica's supreme quality but my Fuji Finepix 200EXR only cost me just over £300 and it's far more compact for a pocket in the real world. Plus I only use the results for internet posting / email attachments. Notice how I'm trying to justify not considering spending money on a Leica!
Some more pics, taken recently:
^ Wing of a dead Small Tortoiseshell butterfly who had hibernated in my house and not survived the Iron Butterfly loud rock music.
^ Discarded Magpie feather.
^ Flower Power about to be unleashed.
^ Room enough for a threesome.
^ Maturity. Pushing towards the 10 ft mark and with 6 more flower heads now on the way.
^ Drama.
^ Caterpillar of the Large White butterfly.
^ Large Red Slug - Good for the garden. They can grow to nearly 6 inches.
^ A Garden Spider aka Diadem Spider. A lot larger than all my reference books say!
Now what the heck are these!?:
^ They suddenly appeared on a water lily leaf yesterday evening and there are no signs of them today.
Bug? Mite? Beetle? Water or land based? - Any experts in the house?
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