Some more as promised...........

^ The newly constructed (and finished, I think!) 'beach' extension which is 5" at its deepest.

^ It's surprising how quickly it attracted inhabitants. Note Water Beetle on left and baby Plamate Newt on right.

^ The surprise continued with an adult Palmate Newt (male).
I managed to capture the Newt 'baby' and, with great difficulty as they are turbocharged, the Water Beetle...........

^ I was a bit concerned if one would try to eat the other but they were a similar size.
Water Beetles are both carniverous and aggressive.

^ The glass can give some great colour effects.

^ One of my favourite shots - He (it's a male
Aribus bipustulatus) looks like he is flying onto a landing strip with lights. They are air breathing and do fly in the air.