Some more pics, taken recently:

^ Wing of a dead Small Tortoiseshell butterfly who had hibernated in my house and not survived the Iron Butterfly loud rock music.

^ Discarded Magpie feather.

^ Flower Power about to be unleashed.

^ Room enough for a threesome.

^ Maturity. Pushing towards the 10 ft mark and with 6 more flower heads now on the way.

^ Drama.

^ Caterpillar of the Large White butterfly.

^ Large Red Slug - Good for the garden. They can grow to nearly 6 inches.

^ A Garden Spider aka Diadem Spider. A lot larger than all my reference books say!
Now what the heck are these!?:

^ They suddenly appeared on a water lily leaf yesterday evening and there are no signs of them today.
Bug? Mite? Beetle? Water or land based? - Any experts in the house?