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How do you save favourite topics/threads?

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Is it possible to save favourite topis/threads?
I can't see a way how,
If there is you have permission to call me thicko.

Don't think I've ever seen a way to do this. There's options to subscribe to threads to alert you of new replies but don't think this forum does them.

What a bummer!
Not being able to save threads is a real ball ache for me.
I hope i don't sound ungrateful, i know this website is free and thanks for that, But a save favs option isn't too much too ask for.
What do you say mods.

I think the 'NOTIFY' button at the top / bottom of each thread is what you're after - should send you emails..

All you have to do is create a folder in your browser's Bookmarks and then bookmark your favourite threads.

If you want the additional info of being notified of new posts in any threads, then select the appropriate setting in your personal preferences on this site.


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