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Author Topic: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........  (Read 3394 times)

Offline S2 Ant

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Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« on: August 09, 2010, 03:24:24 pm »
Hi All, I've just recently fitted the BSH Intake kit to my car, its a K03 GTi.... Since fitting, i get what i would describe as either a loud-ish belt squeel type noise, or a squeel / whine type noise similar to the one my old G60 use to make.... Or i guess kinda like when you let air out of a balloon by stretching the bit you blow in. Does anyone elses car do this with an open cone filter?
Oh and i've got got a Forge DV in stock position.

I've checked and rechecked the hose that joins the intake to the turbo and also the join of the filter to the pipe to make sure they're on properly and the jubilee's are nice and tight and they all appear to be fine and the car seems to be running fine. Just wondered if it was normal or not cos my thoughts straight away were its leaking air somewhere but its a tight hole its coming through hence the noise.

It sometimes does it a little when accelerating and boosting, but its most obvious when lifting off and the car was in boost when lifting off - I've assumed the DV is ok as things boost ok and no fault codes etc but maybe it could be the Forge DV?

There was no noise before fitting this kit at all and as i say, car runs fine both before and after fitting.

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 05:46:41 pm »

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2010, 06:39:16 pm »
My Forge Twintake (K03 Mk5 GTI) sounds like this:

^ Sorry, Here's a better sound clip and you can hear some whistling (which I don't hear inside my car):

The same intake can sound different on each individual car according to various other mods.

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2010, 08:21:07 pm »
Sorry to jump onto your thread you find the BSH Kit?
Im seriously considering getting one but ive read some bad reports on the quality of the kit and fittings.

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Offline S2 Ant

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2010, 11:00:30 pm »
Sorry to jump onto your thread you find the BSH Kit?
Im seriously considering getting one but ive read some bad reports on the quality of the kit and fittings.

So far so good. Fitting seems to be fine and don't see any fault with it to be honest although I'm currently not using the heat shield it comes with due to having no place to re-locate my BSH catch can setup which is kinda annoying.

I've done some logging before and after and I'm getting around 20 grams per sec more air flow if I remember rightly.

The noise is fine too. It kinda sounds like Robins second clip If I have my bonnet up and rev it but with the bonnet down its much more subtle. The whine actually isn't bad either, as I say it reminds me of My old g60 golf. I'll make a recording and upload it tomorrow If I can.

Thanks for the link above, his sounds far worse and annoying in that clip lol I thought it was ok but never hurts to get a 2nd opinion. Ben if you're not too far away then you're welcome to come look, see, test out kinda thing if you like. Or let me know if You have any other questions about it.

Offline matsu

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2010, 10:51:31 am »
ditto with me wanting to fit this or say b##@@x to the cost and go for an itg or evoms.
so are you pleased you fitted this?
are you happy with the noise?
does the car fell different with it fitted?

i really need to get to a show and listen to all diff ones in one go :sad1:
confused of essex lol
keep on doing what ya doing you,ll keep on getting what ya getting.

learn from the mistakes of others-"you dont live long enough to make them all yourself"

Offline S2 Ant

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2010, 11:13:25 am »
Yes im pleased i've fitted it, esp as the price compared to things like EVOMS is much better value for money.

Noise sounds good to me too, i dont think its too excessive, certainly tho the bonnet sound proofing helps to reduce noise too or it would probably be more audible.

Does feel different, feels like it pulls a little better, as i say, the peak airflow has increased up to ~200 g/sec from around 180 g/sec on the stock intake and filter.

TBH, i dont see the point in getting something like EVOMS over this as its the same thing, but more expensive.

The heatshield did fit nicely on the car as i removed the CatchCan setup (as mine is mounted behind the passenger headlight) so i could fit the heatshield and see if i could still squeeze the catch can in, but i cant. So for now i've got the CatchCan and no heatshield for the filter. If the can was smaller then it would probably just about fit, as the big can i've got is just a little too bulky to squeeze in.

The only other thing i noticed is that the take-off for the remote DV thats located on the intake pipework is very very close to the brake fluid resevoir on the UK car (LHD cars wouldnt have this problem as its located on the other side) and the bung for it that im using is now slightly grazed from rubbing on it. This might be slightly worse on my car as i dont have the heatshield fitted, so the angle the intake pipe sits at might be slightly too high so its angled the bung in to the resevoir a little more than would be normal.

Matsu, where in Essex are you as im in Herts, so not too far if you wanted to arrange meeting up sometime for a better look etc. Am happy to help out other forumites where i can :)

Offline matsu

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2010, 04:21:37 pm »
thanks mate for the info.
i might just take you up on the offer.
i,m unable to do anything untill prob end of sept unless a bargain falls my way.
i have new tyres to put on new wheels next week.
and arbs and walk and dv to add to my service at the end of aug first.
ill b in touch.
thanks again
keep on doing what ya doing you,ll keep on getting what ya getting.

learn from the mistakes of others-"you dont live long enough to make them all yourself"

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Re: Just fitted BSH Intake kit - noises made since..........
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2010, 10:46:09 pm »
Been running this on my ed 30 since january Awesome bit of kit  :happy2: Sounds better when the sound proofing is off the bonnet under load  :innocent:
Editon 30, no-0472-, 1/4mile 13.6sec@Crail-Giac 348bhp,345lbsft,Milltek tbe,s3 Cooler,Helix single mass clutch kit,Eibach Coilovers,Bsh Cold Air Intake , Autotech HPFP,s3 brakes,Speedline Turini's,Xenons