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Author Topic: Seat Leon Cupra Rebuild  (Read 1830 times)

Offline Cupra_Jay

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Seat Leon Cupra Rebuild
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:42:50 pm »
Hi there

Couple months ago I sent my car for a new engine/ rebuild. The reason for that is because a very minor misfire assumed to be a dying spark plug turned into a melted piston/ timing problem which imsure some of you have experienced with your TFSi's

Anyway I handed my car over to these people called JB Engineering in Wickford/ Basildon to get the work done in June.( Dont know if youve heard from them )  They promised a weeks turnover, it turnt out to be a 2 week turnover. A minor issue as I dont think anyone wants to rush an engine rebuild. I was told to run it in for at least 500 miles and not to drive over 60mph. I understood that to mean dont rev anything over 2750-3000rpm. I collected the car on a friday and was so excited to get in it as I hadnt driven it for 4 weeks prior to the engine going pop apart from when I drove it to the shop.

On the Saturday I went Southend and Beckton with a few of my mates as you do for this "royston meet" which was a complete flop. On the way back home I noticed some very awkward sounds coming from the engine bay which not many people( my mates) noticed i.e the valves were tapping like crazy when I throttle near enough 3000rpm and on come down there would be knocking sound.

I was in denial but I knew the bottom end was on its way out again. Didnt drive the car till the Monday when I was bracing to take it back to the shop. On the way back there it would push out LOADS of smoke mixture of black and blue more black though now and again .

So got to the shop said to me it must be a "fuelling" issue because it wasnt pushing enough pressure out the back so he had to fiddle with the ECU. He also said he could hear the tapping sound which he said it just the engine running and it will die out eventually but he couldnt hear the knocking sound I was on about . Essentiially he said it was nothing and that my car needed a map because I had a decat fitted, em light was on so mediocre theory was that the o2 sensor was reading wrong.

As I was about to drive off he finally insists I leave it with him

A week later he said hes sorted out this so called fuelling issue however hes has now noticed the knocking sound hes gonna have to strip and rebuild the engine again . From then on I was on to him everyday for two weeks reason being his lot is so big I could tell my car wasnt his main concern as he hadnt clue what was going on with it unless I rang then he rang me back. This rebuild took longer than when he originally took the car as he claimed that he was trying to get the parts replaced through TPS under warranty and obviously they werent claiming liability.

Last week he finally tells me the cars back together HOWEVER he tells me there some sort of imbalance with it as one of the cylinders isnt fuelling right. I asked  what the problem he tells me he hasnt a clue YET. I asked him might it be an injector, he says he swapped them round already and its still the same.

Altogether hes had my car, 2 weeks the first time and 6 weeks now making it TWO months, that almost as long as had the car in my possession before the engine went.

Im getting really frustrated because I feel like hes not prioritising my car and Ive also lost faith as to whether or not he knows what hes doing any more. Im not technical genius myself its all algebra to me. I know the very basics.

He offered me 2 year warranty HOWEVER the clause on the receipt is worded in a way that warranty is at his discretion. I dont wanna pressure him into stop doing work because Ive spent 2295 getting the work done after only just buying the 7500 two months before so from financial point of view im sure some of you can understand the difficult position I'm in .

Judging from the goopety goop Ive written what might the issue be or better yet what would you do ?

Offline mdmay

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« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 12:36:56 am »
Has it been re scanned on vcds?
