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What LSP do you use?
Hi guys, just wondering what LSP you use?
I currently use Zaino All-In-One as a base coat with z-2 layered on top with the zfx accelerator. Wash with z7 with some z8 applied after drying to give it that wet look again.
Theres a lot of zzz's in there so apologies beforehand :happy2:
Also any suggestions for durability for the typical Glasgow winter thats pretty much already here?
Hi Duffy
I also use the Zaino range, AIO then covered with ZFX'd Z2, left alone for a few hours to cure then Z-CS applied smoothly and left to cure without buffing off.
I wash fortnightly now using a Gilmour Foamaster and Megs Hyper Wash, about half a CM in the bottom of the bottle topped up with warm water. This seems to just wash the car and leave the LSP pretty much intact.
Guernsey winters are a lot less harsh than Glasgows, but the Zaino CS states on the bottle that it can last up to 9 months, and if you are washing and "topping up" with the Z8 regularily you should be well covered. :happy2:
Zaino seems to have a good LSP Range and it wont kill your bank account. The durability is good and from what I have read the product lasts long.
zaino z8 here too, and I occasionally top up with zaino cs which is supposed to last longer
During winter I use Collinite 476S, and during the summer months I've got an old pot of Pinnacle Souveran that I use.
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