Dave, can you still supply the j-hook discs or if not can you put me in touch?
I have only just read your NQS BBK and am ashamed of that fact 
I have a little plan as I can't make up my mind what I want and am running low on funds!
No probs mate - when you're ready just PM me - Im slowing down but not stopping......Its the 5 figure stock levels Ive sacked off

@Keith - The choice is yours mate, from a pedal feel point of view I would say the smaller porsche 4 pots are better certainly better than the single piston R32 calipers. I would also say that it surpasses the overall level of braking on a smaller disc with much less weight so better value per £ / Per Kg.
Doesnt fill the wheel as well as the R32 stuff but its becoming apparent that aesthetics are tumbling down peoples wish lists over performance that matches driver ability with good road manners and good performance

The NQS Thread is one of the most read threads in the sites history