you open a can of worms discussing remaps on any forum and often its difficult to determine the wood from the trees as everyone says 'my map is best'

depends on what car you have, looks like a K03 GTI from your profile, in which case my advice would be different.
K03 GTI : go REVO ,I dont think the APR tune for the smaller turbo gives as agood results
K04 GTI (Edition 30/Pirelli) : APR or REVO both good. headline figures for stg2+ cars definitely better for REVO.
APR dyno midrange boost dip (for stg1 cars at least) is to stop compressor surge which APR believe happens, REVO dont
my ed30 APR stg1 review is
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,3567.0.htmlworks perfectly for me. cruise control stalk + switching is a huge plus. As it turns out i havent modded any further for a while so non adjustability hasnt been an issue.
depends on your location to the nearest REVO/APR dealer too

ability to adjust params on the REVO switch is really nice, and works briiliantly for stg2+ cars (fuel pump/map/etc)
Cars have a lot of variance (sensors etc) so this means you can tweak it up or down to sort your car.
are you manual or DSG box? as REVO may have the edge if you have DSG then you can get a matched software set for only 1 supplier (engine and dsg maps

still worth considering other tuners as they may have advanatges for you too. but in general they dont give as good results or have had as much testing! Superchips handset works well if you are distant from a tuner and want to do it all online.
I would stick with APR or REVO though