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Author Topic: New wheels, time for a shoot  (Read 25629 times)

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2010, 10:42:23 pm »
I finally got my 19" monza's too  :pomppomp:  I am in love with my car all over again  :love:


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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2010, 08:29:33 am »
They look great interesting comment about them being soft. Why are aftermarket wheels softer than oem?

Offline illektronik

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2010, 02:14:31 pm »
Congrats on the wheels monte. Glad you found a set. Did you get them from Germany?

The brakes are on the car (and have been for about 2 weeks)  :happy2:


I'm currently running my old 19" wheels on the fronts due to spacer/lug issues.

I've been trying to track down some lugs that are 22mm in diameter to fit the smaller W12 bolt holes. Normally not that much of an issue, but finding 43mm long lugs that fit the spec has been a problem. I'll probably have to get some made up.

If anyone knows a place that sells them off the shelf (Cone seat M14 P1.5 43mm long and not wider than 22mm) let me know. Especially if they're a tuner/secure lug! I was running the Project Kics DPS lugs and they were great, but only come in 28mm or 35mm lengths.

So I've only got the W12s on the rear. It's the concave centres which have made the wheel require such a large spacer.

They still look really nice though. Big thanks again to Dave Brown for pulling it together and Pat for going to all that effort to get them down here to me!

As for performance, the RS4 calipers/RS6 rotors are pretty heavy in comparison to the Brembo GT 355x32 4 pots I had on there. It is a much more progressive kit than the GT and I am noticing the extra weight they're bringing to the front unsprung weight. I've not tracked the car with them on (nor do I really intend to being that they're white! :grin:).

I do miss the immediacy of the GT 4 pot kit. For a performance setup, I do think it's the better balanced kit for car's power & weight. The geometry will also change quite a bit up front when the W12s go on. Especially considering that I've shifted a 42 offset wheel out an extra 15mm on top of whatever the rotor difference is (my guess is about an additional 3mm offset between the RS6/Brembo GT rotors alone). I did know they were a progressive kit, and expected the pedal feel to be much more OEM, but they just looked that good! If I'd upgraded from the factory setup, I'd be jumping hoops I'm sure.

My old 19" 45 offset huff reps didn't require spacers with the GT kit, and the RS4s required a 7mm spacer. There is a fair amount of play for flex in that spec though. Better safe than sorry and it's only a temporary measure till I get the right lug bolts.

The wider track should create more oversteer, but my car had already dialed out 'most' of what was there (and had a tendency to be a bit hair-trigger anyway, so it'll probably get even more tail happy. I've not properly given it the beans though as the wider fenders aren't on (still boxed in the garage), and I'm not keen on self flaring my OEM fenders.  :smiley:

All that said, I could seek out better pads which will improve the initial bite and I'll need to give myself time to adapt to them once the W12s and wider fenders are on give them the clearance they'll need under load. Should prove to be educational.

On a side note (well it is a photography thread really), I was sent one of these to shoot for the TID Styling site and was able to keep it for a small price.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 03:14:31 pm by illektronik »

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2010, 06:55:23 pm »
omg, i so want that steering wheel!!!!.

How many hundreds does that cost??

Offline andrewparker

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #49 on: October 05, 2010, 07:31:12 pm »
omg, i so want that steering wheel!!!!.

How many hundreds does that cost??

Bloody lovely, but looks like they're 1000 USD.

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #50 on: October 05, 2010, 07:44:57 pm »
Whats that about in english pounds.... £600???

Offline john_o

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #51 on: October 05, 2010, 09:53:20 pm »
feck me thats beyond lush :pomppomp:
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Offline illektronik

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #52 on: October 06, 2010, 12:38:25 am »
I just paid for the oem wheel. The rest was done @ cost for the photos.

The shifter paddles are by S2T Performance and the little badge thing is by OSIR.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 01:28:28 am by illektronik »

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #53 on: October 06, 2010, 07:59:39 am »

If you are really strugling getting some custom bolts made, let me know.

I've been Having custom bolts made for a couple of years, mainly freaky ones such a the Cayenne Caliper shouldr bolts which reduce from M16-M14, not really the same problem as you have but we've been workinwith different materials andended up using EN16.

Its a higher tensile bolt than OEM which will give you an unmachined strength of 70 tonnes whih comes back to 55 when you machine the treads but compare that to standard bolts wich come in at 12.9 and you should be ok.

If you could get me a sample that you wanted just longer I can help. You have my email

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #54 on: October 06, 2010, 08:48:47 am »
Dave, it's gotta be said:

You're a Star!  :notworthy:

"Legend" is also another word which comes to mind.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 08:50:34 am by RedRobin »

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #55 on: October 06, 2010, 08:55:56 am »
The wheels are amazing, i want some!! And the steering wheel is something else! Amazing choices pal.

Offline JPC

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #56 on: October 06, 2010, 10:56:02 am »
I think I polished and waxed those brakes!! If that's right, they have an £8000 wax on there!  :signLOL:

Offline illektronik

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #57 on: October 06, 2010, 12:33:53 pm »

If you are really strugling getting some custom bolts made, let me know.

I've been Having custom bolts made for a couple of years, mainly freaky ones such a the Cayenne Caliper shouldr bolts which reduce from M16-M14, not really the same problem as you have but we've been workinwith different materials andended up using EN16.

Its a higher tensile bolt than OEM which will give you an unmachined strength of 70 tonnes whih comes back to 55 when you machine the treads but compare that to standard bolts wich come in at 12.9 and you should be ok.

If you could get me a sample that you wanted just longer I can help. You have my email

Thanks Dave. I've since been put in touch with a company that are all over it. They're down in South Australia which is a bit further afield than I'd hoped for, but I've sent them the samples and I'll hear back from them by the end of the week. After a good convo, they reckon they can pull it together. The bolt itself is simple, but they're just checking the locking caps that thread into the hex part of the head. Basically the same setup as the Kics Project Dual Phase System lugs. Either way, a solution has been found.

I've gotta say Dave, you're knowledge is just phenomenal! As RR says, legend status. You've been so helpful along the way too.  :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

8000 quid wax! LOL. I bet my technique would make it look as good as a 100 quid wax job.  :grin:

I tell you what though, they're staying much cleaner than I'd ever expected. I expected them dust up pretty badly after each drive, but they keep looking clean. Will have to see how they look after a spirited drive. Daily driving is fine though, even though we've had pissy weather of late.

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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2010, 12:10:17 pm »
The W12's needed a 5mm spacer and it's a right pain trying to find conical 14 x 1.5 32mm security lug bolts. I'm now contemplating machining 3mm off some 35mm security lugs I have which match my 28mm rears. Not heard of it being done before myself, but I'd prefer not find my 2 front wheels replaced with bricks. Anybody know if that's safe?
Shouldn't be an issue taking 3mm off the length (wheel bolts arn't usually hardened or tempered).  But have you actually test mounted them, and checked to see if the bolt protrusion will actually cause any problems?
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Re: New wheels, time for a shoot
« Reply #59 on: October 25, 2010, 09:53:06 pm »
Not a Monza fan but in 19'' with the black inserts  :drool:.
