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*** Santa Pod Results, Photo's & Video's ***

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--- Quote from: Hurdy on February 04, 2009, 02:42:46 pm ---Calling STEVEP......Any sign of the official Santa Pod pics yet?

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I will get an updat eon the pic's later today  :happy2:


--- Quote from: SteveP on February 04, 2009, 03:54:56 pm ---
--- Quote from: Hurdy on February 04, 2009, 02:42:46 pm ---Calling STEVEP......Any sign of the official Santa Pod pics yet?

--- End quote ---

I will get an updat eon the pic's later today  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

 :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:Can't wait :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

I saw the passenger window drop on your car as you were following me and instantly thought....Rolling shot!!!!! :jumping: :jumping:

Well after looking into it a bit more i am pretty sure the right lane was having an off day.Here are my two time slips chose these two becausue they are a virtually identical time.But different traps,the quickest trap i got in the left lane was 112.6.

The actual difference in time I calculated for the second part of the 1/4 from the slips was 4.355 and 4.360 so about as identical as it gets. Since i was in  3rd gear there only shifting to 4th,so most variables are out of the calculation at that point. Because we know the time and the distance we can calculate the average speed to be respectively 103.330 mph and 103.211 mph over the last 1/8 mile. So there is no rational explanation why one slip would read 5mph higher or lower.My quess would be the times are  right but the calibration was off for the whole lane as i was up at the 1/8th by 2mph ish.Does anyone know how the system works?
I cannot explain how jonny got the same time in both.What are the chance of getting some money back or a free day  :grin: pigs might fly lol!

Phil Mcavity:
what car have you got elliot?

Sunglasses Ron:
To be fair, Jonny from what I saw, did three runs in the right lane and one in the left (against me). The one in the left was 115mph and the 3 in the right were 118/119mph, rapid either way really.. My runs were 3 in left lane, best being 13.2 @ 109mph and 7 in the right lane, best being 13.2 @ 111mph, so I tend to agree with you mate..  Times were cock on, but the speed calibration was out IMO..
There was a few other cars which had the same results from what I saw..


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