Sorry, been a bit busy with work...
Oh my car - driven by my wife's cousin - got 13.67 1/4 mile on the first run
Good time 
What terminal speed did he get? and 60' time?
We only had a run each... Someone told me about the group photo so I turned the car around and started driving towards the area I thought the group photo would be at... then I got distracted as cars started lining up for the strip and I thought its back on! So group photo vs going down the strip? Sorry guys, no contest

But then I was stuck in the bl00dy queue for 40 minutes
BTW where did everyone go? I know some of you guys came from far away and I asked JonnyC and was surprised too that more didn't stay on. Luca came back though

Sorry... rambling on there. This is meant to be a reply to times etc... We only got one run each before the pipe split but decided to initially try different methods down the strip to see what worked best.
Technique 1: Just use launch control and mode S all the way. No burnout.
My wife's cousin tried this first and got the best result. I'm sure he could have got a better time with a bit more practice but it wasn't to be

His times were:
Reaction-- .9701
60 ft------- 2.5866
330ft------ 6.4016
1/8 ET---- 9.2491
1/8 MPH-- 87.79
1000 ET-- 11.5931
1/4 ET---- 13.6749
1/4 MPH-- 113.53
Technique 2: My brother-in-law used the manual paddle shifts from start to finish - no launch control. I think Hurdy tried this or the method below to good effect at GTI International last year... however, we didn't get good results using the paddle shift although this may be due to the driver as his take off was better than the one above, but then for some inexplicable reason he seems to have slowed down later on between 330ft and 1/8 ET.
Reaction-- 1.1507
60 ft------- 2.5247
330ft------ 6.3387
1/8 ET---- 9.2805
1/8 MPH - 85.31
1000 ET-- 11.6911
1/4 ET---- 13.8354
1/4 MPH-- 109.44
Technique 3: Use launch control and then change gears manually. Sounds good in practice but I messed up my burnout and only got my front wheels wet which caused wheel hop and loss of traction initially where I lost a whole second. However, my figures after that aren't too bad although I changed to third gear too early at 3500 rpm.
Reaction-- .7268
60 ft------- 3.6467
330ft------ 7.4676
1/8 ET---- 10.3198
1/8 MPH-- 87.17
1000 ET-- 12.6837
1/4 ET---- 14.8195
1/4 MPH-- 107.74
I think with a few more runs we could have got our 1/4 mile time down to below 13.50s but i'll leave that for the 14th March when the car has been sorted.
I was also meant to have my black BBS CHs on with new Michelin PS2s but A1 Wheels hadn't finished with them... so I was using Hurdy's old Contis - a bit worn upfront with about 1mm left at most

I blame the Revo Stage 2 prior to the Quaife being fitted. Next time I'll have light alloys with semi-slicks.

VWR engine mount to stop the wheel hop and will be looking to lighten the car as much as possible.

I'm sure I can get a very low 13 or maybe even under 13 by doing that.