Jay youve certainly brought an amazing site together
realy nit picking I would note
1. remove the exclamation mark from 'All about Mig detailing', youre a professional business.
What we do on the main page text doesnt sound good , it sounds like you are in two locations and the sentence is long with no punctuation
2. maybe try and add some scripting to round all the images so the edges to match the rounded feel of the rest of the site
3. maybe consider removing the miglior dictionary/theasaurus explanantion from being at the top of each page, its only really needed on the first page
4. consider addin dates to the testimonials page
5. datatag page is just waffle
consider making the pic clickable to a large version as the print isnt very readable as it is
6. it wasnt immediately obvious about your swisswax quals and training, shout it out , how many in country etc
go on my son