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Red GTi badges

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This turned up from Tom on Fleabay today and I've gotta say he's done a good job  :happy2:
It could do with a quick polish to clear off some excess laquer but apart from that it's all good! Just not sure what Im gonna do with it?  :laugh:

Sorry about the pic quality, camera is due for change!

Mike Iv'e taken a pic of the back so you can get an idea........ :happy2:

This is the badge I have fitted to my car from oemPlus

This is how it arrived with the backing plate to fit a MK4

Approximate measurments are: Length = 93mm Height = 25mm

I hope this helps but if you are going to get some manufactured I will need to send you an original badge out to you  :happy2:

Cheers Nathan

Just found this pic which is much better that the ones I took  :wink:

Also this is cheaper than going down the oemPlus route:


Hello guys

Bad news and possibly good news from my side....

Bad news:

The badges cant be manufactured... OR at least not by me. I got quotes and to set up a mould to handle the badges is going to cost me about 50 000 rand. OR about 3125 pounds... Which is simply absurd. This explains why OEMplus is so expensive because you pay for the mould and then the actual manufacturing of the product...

Good news. Or maybe not:

I can purchase the GTi badges and get the edges of them sprayed red... Its something I would be willing to try. What do you guys think?

Sorry for the major anticlimax. Oh yes.

What about a badge (Like Gulfstreams badges) in brushed aluminium with red edging for the back of the car?

Mike  :smiley:

Thanks for looking into it Mike  :happy2:

In conclusion there are a number of way's to do it ranging from under a fiver to £100, depends on budget and how many times you want to have to change the letters over  :wink:

Mr PG, maybe the relevant input can be stickied in the maintenance/member recommendation sections?


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