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GTI Spring Festival 29th March
Just sent Ben a txt to wish him luck today :grouphug:
Sunglasses Ron:
Cheers Mat, much appreciated.. :happy2: haven't got that number anymore, but cheers anyway bud.. already been on all the local and regional radio stations this morning, can only imagine it will get worse come this evening.. But can't say i'm overbothered about what people think (even if it was a idiotic offence on my behalf). Just concentrating on them keeping it at 12 months and hope that the pressence of the press doesn't influence the judge to go all out and let rip on me.. :sad:
oh cock that not good mate oh well i think they might make an example of you with the press being there the fookers but keep us informed mate :happy2:
Good luck Ben :happy2:
best of luck Ben :happy2:
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