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Author Topic: Rev's holding in 1st gear.  (Read 1935 times)

Offline snapey

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Rev's holding in 1st gear.
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:50:50 pm »

Don't know if anyone's experienced this before, but when the cars warm and dotting around in traffic in 1st gear the cars acts a bit suspiciously. For example when pulling away in a build up of traffic for the lights and getting to around 2.5/3K RPM in 1st and lifting off of the throttle and pressing the clutch to either coast or go for 2nd, the engine occasionally holds onto the revs for about a second and then begins to stagger down to an idle. Where as with any other gear the engine seems to drop off down to an idle quite linear.

Has anyone come across this in the past? Motor packing up on the throttle body? Any help or suggestions are welcome.

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