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VW action at the pod.

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Top Cat:
Have i missed a thread about this somewhere, cant find one.  :party:  

So is anyone going. I might have the weekend off.  

was planning hoping to go on the saturday  :driver:

i'm a present bribe will secure a weekend pass as DTM at Brands on the Sunday

I shall be there on Saturday and Trax on Sunday  :happy2:

big al:
After hearing all the horror stories about Edition 38 I think I may go here instead, and it is just VW, not just German motors


--- Quote from: big al on August 26, 2010, 02:03:59 pm ---After hearing all the horror stories about Edition 38 I think I may go here instead, and it is just VW, not just German motors

--- End quote ---

although it says vw they do allow vag group cars... so there will be audi's, seats and skodas... not sure about porkers though as i wouldnt mind taking mine down to see if i can improve on the 13.6 i did last weekend  :party:


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