You are wrong Rich.
I've spoken to Steve at Statllers and you will need a new loom. Also the MFD will need changing to a DSG version. The Wheel will obviously need altering if you want paddle control (could use an FR Leon version), plus several other mods that you don't think of, like changing the bulkhead from a 3 pedal to 2 pedal arrangement etc.
Bulkheads are identical. It is just a bolt-in pedal box which is different.
You sure Sean?
Part numbers are identical, from the individual 'firewall' bulkead, to the entire 'body in white' bodyshell. The actual pedals (be they two or three - and exluding the go pedal which is floor mounted) are mounted in a 'pedal box' - and it is this pedal box which differs.
I was told that the bulkhead was different for the pedal and to accomodate the DSG as opposed to the manual box 
Someone told you porkies.