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Author Topic: Advice please on ED 30 I've put Holding Deposit on  (Read 7984 times)

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Re: Advice please on ED 30 I've put Holding Deposit on
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2010, 04:47:16 am »
Nothing hugely significant on their own however I guess when they all add up you get a bad overall feeling, ... Fag burn on seat!!! Aaaarrrgghh! Shame after the effort you put in, you'll know when the one for you turns up. Good luck with the search.

Can we get the previous owner done for car abuse or something?  :smiley:

Offline Moschops

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Re: Advice please on ED 30 I've put Holding Deposit on
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2010, 12:22:26 pm »
I better get deposit back she said I would but I may need to do report, so I may need the pics you took. I'll Chase it up tomorrow.

Ok list of things that I can remember
Door skin stuck out half inch from wing did have missing screw which may have pulled it back in
Scratches on roof
Big scuffs on bottom of bumper both sides
Scuffed corner of front bumper
Rear bumper cracked with crazing along top edge would guess reversed into post. Movement in bumper
All wheels badly kerbed and lacker coming off
The gloss black pillars on back door Windows chipped and rust spots
Drivers side skirt warped in middle and coming away from sill
Passenger side of car had been sprayed for some reason
Stone chips on front including some bubbling of laquer on bonnet
Under bonnet insulation ripped/holed
Top of oil filler cap missing preventing you from opening it without using pliers or summut
Wayne said engine was quite ticky compared to his
Fag burn hole in center of drivers  seat where yer bum goes
Leather back to thread on drivers bolster and badly worn on passenger bolster
Steering wheel very shiny as bad as my 11 year old passat with 185k on it.
Trim on door panels not good
Roof lining marked
For some reason climate was in Fahrenheit !

Spec was very low other than mfs and highline not even front arm rest or cover on ash tray or cover on cup holders

No service book
Only serviced at vw once at 17k and print out for other services

I didn't take it for a drive so can't comment on that.

Apart from that it was really sweet :)  and the spare wheel / tool kit was immaculate

In short it was very unloved and abused I guess in realty it was possibly sensibly priced rather than a bargain which is what I was hoping for. Wayne made a very good point that for 10.5k I could get a much nicer gti with better spec and lower miles just not a ed30.

Anything to add choppers?


All as above really, real shame as walking up to the car it looked good for the miles but when we started to look in depth at the car all the niggles and damage became apparent. one thing I will add was all four doors had at sometime been opened into something hard or sharp and so all had edge damage, not a major on it's own but when you add to the list, the car had not been really looked after. All four wheels had the laquer peeling away from them and also the brake calipers were pink, so would lead me to suggest that the car had been washed regularly by the local Polish or Albanian garage car wash team and the corrosive chemicals they use help speed up the general untidiness of the car.  :stupid: Two were badly kerbed too :confused:

The bonnet was remarkbaly in good order a couple of chips here and there but nothing major especially for the miles the car had done.. :driver:

However the front bumper/spliter was really knackered and the rear bumper shot, it had either been hit or backed into something and the result was a split above and below the number plate recesse, one closer inspection the crack had caused crazing all along the majority of the top of the bumper and it was a" loose as a witches tit" on the nearside.... :chicken: They said it would just need touching in... :indifferent:

The salesgirl told us she inspected it in the rain so really didn't spend a lot time on it and it showed.... :rolleye: Although she was fit.... :pomppomp:

The steering wheel was well shiney, never seen one like that in a long long time, I think it had been massaged with oil of ulay... :signLOL:

If they had given JP the money off he was looking for then he'd of had it and spent time putting it right, however there was very little movement in the price from what he told (left him to talk to the salesman alone at that point...although he was a real Arfur Daily....... :smiley: the salesman not JP... :signLOL:)

So all in all a very unkept and miserable looking ED30...shame

How the bloke on PH was ever going to get 16K for it well, I think you'd have to look at it afer you'd been on a session at the pub and had your beer goggles on... :booty:

Hope this was okay JP?  Do you need the pics and have you got your loot back yet... :party:



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Re: Advice please on ED 30 I've put Holding Deposit on
« Reply #32 on: August 29, 2010, 12:43:34 pm »
Agree with what you said.

The bloke on PH was after £11695 so trying to make a quick g btw

Spoke to them earlier and they said they put a cheque in the post should be with me Tue/Wed.

I still think it is a good buy for the right person at the price above especially as motorhouse said they'd sort the front and rear bumper (not sure to what standard) One of the major things for me was that I was clearing myself out bigtime to afford 10.5 so would not have been able to afford to put things right on it for a while and would be screwed if summut went wrong with it.

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Re: Advice please on ED 30 I've put Holding Deposit on
« Reply #33 on: August 29, 2010, 01:55:12 pm »
Sounds like the guy on PH pulled out of the sale when he saw the condition of the car rather than them pulling out. I did laugh to myself when i read an earlier post saying the dealer had pulled the deal. Money is money and no dealer would care what happens to the car next aslong as they get the money they want for it.

Also 2 words shoud have rang alarm bells "lease company". Yes the company is only classed as 1 owner but 6 million idiots may have driven or leased it and as we all know when you have a hire car you are not exactly careful. Whats that saying, "The fastest car in the world is a hire car" lol.

Good luck with your search, might be worth looking for a GTI because any ED30's in that price range will be priced low for a reason.

Offline Moschops

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Re: Advice please on ED 30 I've put Holding Deposit on
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2010, 02:46:34 pm »
Sounds like the guy on PH pulled out of the sale when he saw the condition of the car rather than them pulling out. I did laugh to myself when i read an earlier post saying the dealer had pulled the deal. Money is money and no dealer would care what happens to the car next aslong as they get the money they want for it.

Also 2 words shoud have rang alarm bells "lease company". Yes the company is only classed as 1 owner but 6 million idiots may have driven or leased it and as we all know when you have a hire car you are not exactly careful. Whats that saying, "The fastest car in the world is a hire car" lol.

Good luck with your search, might be worth looking for a GTI because any ED30's in that price range will be priced low for a reason.

The guy from the PH deal hadn't even seen the car :smiley:


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Re: Advice please on ED 30 I've put Holding Deposit on
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2010, 03:37:53 pm »
Dunno whether to despise the bloke from PH or admire his ingenuity. And bump on the post about MH suddenly developing a conscience and pulling out of the deal on moral grounds... :grin: