Can anyone tell me what benefit I will see from ARBS??
Also the views of those who have had them fitted, possibly in isolation so that I can understand their exact contribution towards handling?

how in depth do you want me to go mate?
in a nutshell, you rip out the factory noodle width bars, fit fatter ones. result is loss of body roll and stiffer chassis allowing faster, more stable and flat cornering.
my mate was a non believer until he finally fitted them to his mk4 r32 as well and he was massively impressed with the difference as was i. mine will hopefully get ordered in the next couple of weeks.
too thin and your cornering and roll is noticable but a compromise for comfort. too fat a bar and either you get understeer or oversteer so its about balance. ive always had the back fatter than the front at around 25 with the front being around 22 but depend on how you want it to handle. but summary is, stiff flat cornering