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--- Quote from: alastairc on September 09, 2010, 01:04:40 pm ---I must be blind! Which date is it?

--- End quote ---

You are  :grin: :grin: :grin:

It's Sunday 24th October. It's written in big blue capital letters in the first post of the topic  :innocent:

Oh sh!t!! I thought it was 26th September, not 24th October  :sad1:

1. Joesgti
2. Sunglasses Ron
3. DomT
4. Gti Mad
5. stealthwolf (dependant on work)
6. RobH
7. vwrascal
8. Monte
9. Singh123
10. P10YRS
11. cmdrfire
12. SWF7Y
13. wigit (holiday depending)
14. mitchgti (if im not working!)
15. B3n
16. NeilM
17. Tom (not sure what car I will be in though  )
18. Gaz
19. Chungster
20. SteveP
21. Greeners
22. fieldy83 (depending if car is sorted)
23. KRL
24. WhiteGTI
25. Poverty (its gotta be done)
26. Gticaymanjames
27. RedRobin (without hot 19yo daughter!)
27. Theo (Work Dependant)


--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on September 09, 2010, 02:05:45 pm ---
--- Quote from: alastairc on September 09, 2010, 01:04:40 pm ---I must be blind! Which date is it?

--- End quote ---

You are  :grin: :grin: :grin:

It's Sunday 24th October. It's written in big blue capital letters in the first post of the topic  :innocent:

--- End quote ---

Ahhhhhhh - i didn't even see the blue!


--- Quote from: RedRobin on September 09, 2010, 02:29:21 pm ---^^^^
Oh sh!t!! I thought it was 26th September, not 24th October  :sad1:

--- End quote ---

My point is blue text - doesn't work.

or joe could even edit the post subject title so its obvious on every page of the thread   :happy2:


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