General > Shows, Events and Meets


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big al:
1. Joesgti
2. Sunglasses Ron
3. DomT
4. Gti Mad
5. stealthwolf (dependant on work)
6. RobH
7. vwrascal
8. Monte
9. Singh123
10. P10YRS
11. cmdrfire
12. SWF7Y
13. wigit (holiday depending)
14. mitchgti (if im not working!)
15. B3n
16. NeilM
17. Tom (Back in his old ED30 which Dan has been looking after)
18. Gaz
19. Chungster
20. SteveP
21. Greeners
22. fieldy83 (depending if car is sorted)
23. KRL
24. WhiteGTI
25. Poverty (its gotta be done)
26. Gticaymanjames
27. Theo (Work Dependant)
28. rdfcpete
29. Drapoon (Martin - Asked me to put him down   )
30. .:GTI|SUNNY:.
31. Ross_46
32. shaky
33. RedRobin (all being well)
34. Hedge (Definitely, maybe)
35. Rich (maybe)
36. DanPayne (If Tom doesn't buy my car before)
37. Big Al.

Can't really not go when saw how many others were on the thread, and missed out on the Cosford meet this morning due to work,

Think this could make a good few pictures to advertise the forum/have as a new welcome picture?!


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on September 19, 2010, 04:09:34 pm ---Someone had better bring some cameras including video cameras - this could easily provide lots of footage for our own Dubbers' Inc music vid!  :laugh:

--- End quote ---

I'll bring my 5d2 but would be nice if there were some other people to volunteer on filming duties (as I want some shots of my car in the video as well!)

Already have some music lined up... :D

Sunglasses Ron:

--- Quote from: cmdrfire on September 19, 2010, 11:02:13 pm ---
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on September 19, 2010, 04:09:34 pm ---Someone had better bring some cameras including video cameras - this could easily provide lots of footage for our own Dubbers' Inc music vid!  :laugh:

--- End quote ---

I'll bring my 5d2 but would be nice if there were some other people to volunteer on filming duties (as I want some shots of my car in the video as well!)

Already have some music lined up... :D

--- End quote ---

I'm sure there will be plenty of us that can chip in with the duties mate. I for one don't mind..  :wink:

This is going to be ORSUM!!  :pomppomp: :party:

Anyone going up from the South West area???


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