I do a lot of work on TVR's and would never own one, badly build, not as good to drive as you would think.
My dream car as a teenager was a Cerbera, then I had one in for some work about 4 years ago, and got to keep it for a few days, most dissapointing car I have ever driven and I sulked for about a week

M3 CSL is a nice option and one I will consider and always liked them, plus they come with an auto SMG option. I need to drive an SLK 550 AMG to make my mind up, the sond alone will keep me entertained for a while.
As for the 335d, I love it. Not as 'racy' as the ED30 and not as quick to 70mph but trounces it to 100mph. Plus I get 40MPG and lots of RWD sideways fun. uper comfy and quiet as well. They need to put this engine into the 1 series coupe! The 335i is also good, breat when mapped but lacks the pure power and torque of the 335d.