Brake Fluid is supposed to be changed every 2 years so unless you have had it done or know it's been done within that time i personally would get it done.
Aircon Service you can basically do your self. Get an Air-Con cleaner from halfrauds along with a bottle of refrigerant (it comes with a handy gauge and easy to follow instructions is about £20 from memory) and a new pollen filter.
Clean the aircon system following the instructions, Check and refill refrigerant as necessary, replace pollen filter. Job done. Only time you will need to take it in is if the refrigerant is leaking as they have to put a dye in it to see where it's coming from.
I think there is a shelf on the refrigerant where it becomes less effective over time. So if it has never been done on a 5 year old car it might be worth it. But if your happy it's working but want something doing just do what i said above