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Berks, Hants, Surrey Area Meet - September 23rd....

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--- Quote from: RedRobin on September 13, 2010, 05:29:53 pm ---
--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on September 13, 2010, 05:18:30 pm ---
One of my favourite films!

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....Me too! Very American Rom-Com and Vince Vaughn is brilliant. I also loved him in the movie he did with Jennifer Aniston ( :drool: :love: :drool:) about breaking up.

A very good friend of mine in his 30's who is single tells girlies he's a dolphin trainer and gets away with it! If I'm with him I have to walk off or I'll collapse laughing and give the game away.

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Hahaha! One of my friends tells them that he is a "penguin picker-upper" at London Zoo!!!! Then he goes on to explain that when the planes fly over the zoo all the penguins look up to the sky and then fall over, so he has to go round picking them all up! The girls absolutely love it!!! (Aside from the fact that London Zoo doesn't even have penguins I think!

:signLOL: - Nice one!

London Zoo (Regent's Park) does have a famous (architecturally) Penguin pool. I know - The Crown Commissioners (who own/manage Regent's Park) were a client of mine for a few years and, loving animals, I spent many hours having lunch etc there.


--- Quote from: RedRobin on September 13, 2010, 04:54:36 pm ---
I think I'll start a new thread in the Photography section and post a link to it here.

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Can't make this one chaps, will be in a large tent in Munich with Mass Krug in one hand and a hot chick in a dirndl in the other  :drinking:  something along these lines


I'll have a beer for you all.  :grin:

Poppa Dom:
Damn you Thor, I could so do with an Oktober Fest visit right now!!!


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