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Berks, Hants, Surrey Area Meet - September 23rd....

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--- Quote from: Thor on September 14, 2010, 08:39:44 pm ---Can't make this one chaps, will be in a large tent in Munich with Mass Krug in one hand and a hot chick in a dirndl in the other  :drinking:  something along these lines

I'll have a beer for you all.  :grin:

--- End quote ---

Your not helping.  :fighting:

I saw 2 Oktoberfests when I worked out there, it is a very unique event. Rollercoasters and beer FTW  :happy2:

Forget the beer and rollercoasters! Those frauliens look gorgeous in their traditional dresses  :drool:  :evilgrin:

Am considering trekking down for this!!  :driver:

^^ Do ittttttttttttt

Poppa Dom:
Guys, I have work commitments until quite late on the 23rd, so will not be arriving until 2030/2100'ish  :happy2:


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