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Berks, Hants, Surrey Area Meet - September 23rd....
Poppa Dom:
Guys, have open evening at school so not finishing work here until 2100 - be there soon after :happy2:
Only 4 of us turned up but it was still a great evening :drinking:
T'was good indeed :D more to say but have to run :( in the middle of some experiments...
I'm sorry, I should have let you guys know that I wasn't going to attend.
Just got home from a bad day at work, ready to head back out and then it was pouring with rain, so i just went to bed.
Hope you had a good one :ashamed: :ashamed:
--- Quote from: cmdrfire on September 24, 2010, 11:09:46 am ---
T'was good indeed :D more to say but have to run :( in the middle of some experiments...
--- End quote ---
....You mentioned the word "Doctor" last night but now I realise you obviously left out the word "Frankenstein" :evilgrin:
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