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Berks, Hants, Surrey Area Meet - September 23rd....
Yup I'm a definate now :wink:
Sparky Craig:
It`ll be there if work allows :signLOL:
I'll be there as my dissertation will have been handed in - unless i'm on holiday!
--- Quote from: cmdrfire on September 04, 2010, 08:46:53 pm ---
I'll be there as my dissertation will have been handed in - unless i'm on holiday!
--- End quote ---
....If you manage to come, I'd like to pick your brains about Leica digital compact cameras. I'm finding limitations on my FinePix 200EXR.
Sparky Craig:
Boss has now thrown me a curve ball...
I`ll be in Manchester working nights :confused: So I wont be able to make it again ... (That`s 2 I`ll have missed now)
This job is really getting in the way of my life ....... :rolleye:
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