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Berks, Hants, Surrey Area Meet - September 23rd....
I'm up for the next meet up, date dependant of course! :party:
Saint Steve:
--- Quote from: cmdrfire on October 03, 2010, 06:11:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on October 01, 2010, 07:48:20 pm ---
--- Quote from: RedRobin on October 01, 2010, 05:57:10 pm ---^^^^
We have considered moving venue just for a change but it's very relaxed there and the food (and waitresses) are good, so as it ain't broke why mend it!
C'mon, Neo, where's that pic of that cute young waitress from our last meet? :evilgrin: :wink:
Regarding having our home location permanently shown with our avatar etc, for security reasons I would be very against that (I have had to be offered Police protection before in my life!). As it stands, we can individually choose to say where we live in our Profile details or even state in our posts signature.
It really makes a difference to meet and become friends with some of the folks on the forum. So I'm happy to travel when it suits me and the route is a good drive which I enjoy. I just love driving! There are now folks here who I will visit even without a meet - I'm good at scrounging a cuppa!
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Yeah it was optional, I just thought it was displayed under our avatar photo too.
Neo, where is this photo!? Your dissertation is finished now isn't it? Nooooooooooooo excuses :grin: :grin:
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Downloaded all the pics on my computer just now, will have them up soon! Promise!
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??? :chicken:
Here! :signLOL:
Got a new set up on my flickr for pics from these meets as well which I will slowly add to...
Robin being Robin
The red-haired waitress
Our schoolmaster
Robin's dessert!
Full size pics are here:
It's worth noting that those pics I've most recently uploaded are only 25% of the size of the output from the camera! The raw image output is HUGE!
Wow i remember that white gti i used to have! Looked nice :innocent:
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