Morning all.
Well, it had to happen to me sooner or later, living in a pretty scummy area of Wolverhampton and having a fairly nice car.
Woken at 3.30 this morning to the sound of a car alarm, thought it may be a neighbour so leapt out of bed, only to look down onto my drive and see 2 chav looking lads about 18 next to my car with its headlights flashing on and off, and the alarm sounding.
IN a tired panick I just smacked the bedroom window, causing them to run off down the street.
On going outside to check the car was all right there are footprints on the bonnet and the w@nkers have put the boot into it causing it to completely smash but not shatter. So a new windscreen for me.
Phoned the station I work from, and probably less than 10 minutes later (which I was very pleased with for a Friday night/Saturday morning shift) a panda car arrived, gave the basic description, and they went and looked for them,but obviously no joy as there are a million and one places they can hide away from the roads.
So now goes the task of finding out how I am going to get this fixed, calling insurance in a bit, don't have protected no claims as never thought mine would be done like that (typical thinking, I know) Haven't got a clue what costs are involved here.
Really is gutting on so many levels. I was going to clean it this morning and take it to the Pod for the show, and more so because these kids didn't do it to get into the car, as you would not try to get in through the windscreen, I don't really know why they did it, the PC said that they may have seen me leaving the station as its only about 3 miles away, though I do doubt that is the case. I believe it is just jealousy, as they could only afford a 96 Metro, lets damage someone elses car that is their pride and joy, and that I work hard to pay for.
Sorry if this is a bit long winded, I wish that I hadn't knocked the window, and had stuck my trainers on and run out, but you always have the what ifs, I didn't realise they had damaged the car, so just wanted them away from my car!