General > Photography Section

Post Your Best Atmospheric Shots....

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Nice One, Damien!

The instant I saw that pic I went "Ooooh!" out loud. It reminds me of scenes in that VW 'Dream' advert on YouTube (see other thread).

Definitely the best atmosphere pic here so far which includes a GTI (though not strictly asked for).

Cheers, Robin  :ashamed:

I took it this morning on the way home from night shift. Its been VERY fogy up here all day and I had the camera in the car and thought it was too good a opportunity to miss  :smiley:


--- Quote from: damoegan on October 08, 2010, 09:10:54 pm ---
and I had the camera in the car and thought it was too good a opportunity to miss  :smiley:

--- End quote ---

....I rarely go anywhere without my camera but it's made a lot easier having a compact digital (F200EXR FinePix). I'm determined to get a Leica X1 when I can and that's the biggest size I would accept.

I try to carry as often as possible, but my bag is quite bulky (Nikon D90 pluss 3 lens & filters) + tripod.

I've lost interest these last 3 months or so but I'm starting to get the feeling again  :evilgrin:

Hopefully you've been inspired by this thread!  :laugh:

Sometimes a break from it all is a good thing - It can mean you come back with a fresh perspective and fresh energy.

Yep, I remember the days of carrying around a bag (Nikon case) with 2 bodies and 3 lenses plus filters etc - Thank goodness for the digital compacts, but there's no question that the big Nikon and Canon digital pro cameras are awesome.


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