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--- Quote from: PDT on November 11, 2010, 11:07:21 am ---
It was taken on an airboat tour of the florida everglades, the guide told us the name/history of the bird but i wasnt concentrating as i had just blinded myself while trying to take that photo in direct sunlight.
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....Well, the American Bald Eagle (national symbol of USA) came off the Endangered List a few years ago and is flourishing in Florida. The Harpy Eagle is still on it AFAIK but it's strictly a rainforest dweller (and hunts monkeys). Perhaps your guide was talking about the Bald Eagle's past. :smiley:
Found some info on the bird in the pics, although classed as an eagle its name is a Snail Kite:
Abundant in Latin America, Snail Kites in the U.S. are only found in Florida and are highly endangered.
Also called the Everglades Kite, they are one of the most specialized of all hawks. They feed almost exclusively on the apple snail.
Fewer than 900 birds and 400 mated pairs were recorded in 2007. When they were listed as endangered in 1967, there were fewer than 100 individuals; their population peaked in 1999 at around 3600
--- Quote from: PDT on November 12, 2010, 07:32:53 pm ---
Found some info on the bird in the pics, although classed as an eagle its name is a Snail Kite:
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Has the bill of a Kite rather than heavier like an Eagle's but has the broader wing tips of an Eagle. Unusual.
Also, the barred feathers are more typical of Hawks and Buzzards.
Flag over USS Arizona Memorial
Cemetery not too far from the "Bridge over the River Kwai" in Thailand taken 6 years ago. What made it especially moving for me was the presence of a elderly gent who had been diagnosed with terminal Cancer and wanted to say goodbye to his brother and friends before he passed away. He had not been back to Thailand since being liberated.
You've got a great eye for graphic composition, Dodgydegu :notworthy:
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