General > Photography Section

Post Your Best Atmospheric Shots....

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--- Quote from: jon-tfsi on June 29, 2011, 03:01:59 pm ---
I also wish i had a proper camera, hadnt forgotten it i just dont have one lol

--- End quote ---

....You say that but you have recognised the atmosphere and captured it. Okay, with a higher spec camera you probably would have got more out of the image but hey I've enjoyed it and it's very far from rubbish - Thanks for sharing.  :happy2:

Thanks Red Robin  :happy2:

I had a Pentax Optio M20 for a couple of years (£100ish ) which would take some surprisingly good shots for its price.
I dropped and smashed it recently, so replaced it with a similar spec Olympus which doesnt even come close to the quality of shots.

Your right tho its still just as rewarding capturing a good photo no-matter the quality of the camera :drinking:

I've had a Canon powershot for about 2 years, an ace digital camera, but not sure whether to go the whole hog for a DSLR just yet... :P

Lunchtime by Dublin's Grand Canal

No editing or post processing.


^ Shot on my new FinePix F500EXR compact, hand held.

It's a bit grainy etc but I'm still very pleased with it. I fine tuned the shadows with Aperture (Apple's editor).


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