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Post Your Best Atmospheric Shots....

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Yeah I'm on there, I'll head on over in a bit. I hardly ever use it these days to be honest, usually don't have much spare time. I should be editing a wedding now but been on here for the last couple of hours  :signLOL:

BTW my real name's Phil just in case you wonder who I am.


--- Quote from: Jungle_Faced_Jake on July 30, 2011, 10:54:52 pm ---Yeah I'm on there, I'll head on over in a bit. I hardly ever use it these days to be honest, usually don't have much spare time. I should be editing a wedding now but been on here for the last couple of hours  :signLOL:

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Just wait till your trying to justify spending money after finding more stuff you want on here  :wink:


--- Quote from: damoegan on July 30, 2011, 10:57:45 pm ---
--- Quote from: Jungle_Faced_Jake on July 30, 2011, 10:54:52 pm ---Yeah I'm on there, I'll head on over in a bit. I hardly ever use it these days to be honest, usually don't have much spare time. I should be editing a wedding now but been on here for the last couple of hours  :signLOL:

--- End quote ---


Just wait till your trying to justify spending money after finding more stuff you want on here  :wink:

--- End quote ---

Yeah I'm finding more stuff to spend my money on my the minute  :wink:

Scousus maximus:
Just glanced out the bedroom window last night and saw these sunset reflections on the cars. The moment only seemed to last a few seconds so here's my attempt at capturing it.



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