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DIY area

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The How to section seems to cover lots of things, but  I haven't found the search engine to be brilliant.

A lot of the things listed in the How to section I haven't got a clue what they are and whether they are any use to me?!

Aren't there a list of more frequent DIY activities that lots of people will / need to use?

I can't fault the information on the forum, but just find it difficult to navigate around and find things was just a  suggestion.

something like this would be good

^^^I've already mentioned this and the Boss said he's trying to sort something out.

That's what I was meaning, but perhaps not describing so well!


--- Quote from: .:GTI|SUNNY:. on September 11, 2010, 06:47:20 pm ---something like this would be good

--- End quote ---

....A great idea. It would need to be kept in alphabetical order though.


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